Chef cookbook for chgems, a chroot for RubyGems.
This project is maintained by fnichol
Chef cookbook for chgems, a chroot for RubyGems.
Simply include recipe[chgems]
in your run_list and chgems will be installed.
Tested on 11.4.4 but newer and older version should work just fine. File an issue if this isn't the case.
The following platforms have been tested with this cookbook, meaning that the recipes run on these platforms without error:
Please report any additional platforms so they can be added.
This cookbook depends on the following external cookbooks:
Depending on the situation and use case there are several ways to install this cookbook. All the methods listed below assume a tagged version release is the target, but omit the tags to get the head of development. A valid Chef repository structure like the Opscode repo is also assumed.
To install this cookbook from the Community Site, use the knife command:
knife cookbook site install chgems
Berkshelf is a cookbook dependency manager and development workflow assistant. To install Berkshelf:
cd chef-repo
gem install berkshelf
berks init
To use the Community Site version:
echo "cookbook 'chgems'" >> Berksfile
berks install
Or to reference the Git version:
latest_release=$(curl -s$repo/git/refs/tags \
| ruby -rjson -e '
j = JSON.parse(;
puts { |t| t["ref"].split("/").last }.sort.last
cat >> Berksfile <<END_OF_BERKSFILE
cookbook 'chgems',
:git => 'git://$repo.git', :branch => '$latest_release'
berks install
Librarian-Chef is a bundler for your Chef cookbooks. To install Librarian-Chef:
cd chef-repo
gem install librarian
librarian-chef init
To use the Community Site version:
echo "cookbook 'chgems'" >> Cheffile
librarian-chef install
Or to reference the Git version:
latest_release=$(curl -s$repo/git/refs/tags \
| ruby -rjson -e '
j = JSON.parse(;
puts { |t| t["ref"].split("/").last }.sort.last
cat >> Cheffile <<END_OF_CHEFFILE
cookbook 'chgems',
:git => 'git://$repo.git', :ref => '$latest_release'
librarian-chef install
This recipe downloads and installs chgems.
The version of chgems to install.
The default is "0.3.2"
The URL from which to download and install chgems.
The default is "{node['chgems']['version']}.tar.gz"
There are no resources and providers.
Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
Author:: Fletcher Nichol (
Copyright 2013, Fletcher Nichol
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.