Convenience Functions

Set up a simple function to print logging info so that the user can follow the script output

log() { printf "===> $*\n" ; return $? ; }

A quick function to handle error-and-quit situtations.

fail()  { printf "\n>> ERROR: $*\n\n" ; exit 1 ; }

Ensure that the calling user is root and fail otherwise. This way we don’t need to worry about which commands require sudo.

[[ $UID -ne 0 ]] && fail "You must be root to run this installer"


The directory that tarballs will be downloaded to.


The full URL to download the nginx tarball.


The name of the tarball without the URL at the beggining. There is some Bash variable manging going on here with string operators.


The directory that will get created when extracting the tarball. Same variable mangling tricks here too (strip .tar.gz off the end of $tar_file).


The configure flags used when configuring nginx. We’re targetting a custom directory in /opt so that multiple built versions of nginx can co-exist together. We’re also enabling the SSL module which is bound to be used sooner or later.


A list of Ubuntu packages that must be installed prior to compiling nginx. We also want the wget package to fetch the tarball. It’s installed by default in Ubuntu base, but no harm in being explicit.

pkgs=( wget build-essential binutils-doc autoconf flex bison
       libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libssl-dev )

Install Pre-requisite Packages

Loop through the $pkgs array and install each package on its own. We could have done this as one command but installing individually might help us catch any errors and zero in on the bad package.

log "Installing packages"
for pkg in "${pkgs[@]}" ; do
  log "Installing ${pkg}..."
  apt-get install -y $pkg
done ; unset pkg

Fetching and Extraction

Ensure that the $cache_dir directory exists and has sane permissions and ownership. The -p flag in mkdir will create any missing parent directories.

log "Creating a download cache directory in $cache_dir"
mkdir -p $cache_dir
chown root:root $cache_dir
chmod 755 $cache_dir

Download the the nginx tarball into the $cache_dir directory. First, we’ll remove any pre-existing tarballs so that wget won’t download the tarball to a different file (appending .1 to the end which is lamesauce for our use case).

log "Downloading nginx tarball from $tar_url"
rm -f $cache_dir/$tar_file
(cd $cache_dir && wget $tar_url)

Next, extract the downloaded tarball into $cache_dir so we have a place to build it. We’ll also kill any old extracted directories.

log "Extracting nginx tarball into $cache_dir"
rm -rf $cache_dir/$tar_dir
(cd $cache_dir && tar zxf $tar_file)

Compilation and Installation

The most likely place for something to go wrong :) nginx follows a very standard (and sane) build process of running ./configure ..., then make and make install.

log "Building nginx"
(cd $cache_dir/$tar_dir && ./configure $configure_flags)
(cd $cache_dir/$tar_dir && make && make install)

Now we’ll loop through a few directories that need to exist for nginx to start.

for dir in /var/log/nginx /etc/nginx/{conf.d,sites-enabled} ; do
  log "Creating $dir directory..."
  mkdir -p $dir
  chown root:root $dir
  chmod 755 $dir
done ; unset dir

Download an nginx config file off GitHub to make this script a little more portable.

log "Installing /etc/nginx/nginx.conf..."
wget --no-check-certificate \
  '' \
  -O /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
chown root:root /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
chmod 644 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Download a default nginx site definition so we can display a pretty web page.

log "Installing /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/_default.conf..."
wget --no-check-certificate \
  '' \
  -O /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/_default.conf
chown root:root /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/_default.conf
chmod 644 /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/_default.conf

Download an init.d rc script so nginx is like any other service and comes back on reboot.

log "Installing /etc/init.d/nginx..."
wget --no-check-certificate \
  '' \
  -O /etc/init.d/nginx
chown root:root /etc/init.d/nginx
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/nginx

Finally, register the nginx service and start it up.

log "Starting the nginx daemon..."
/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f nginx defaults
service nginx start

And that’s it, thanks for playing along.

log "Installation of nginx is complete, w00t\!"